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here's the truth:
you get what you pay for.

Insurance limits even the best doctors

If insurance won't reimburse a doctor for services or time with a patient, then the doctor likely won't do it nor will they get good at different skill sets. Why work for free? They do their best, but the truth is they're limited. Therefore, so is your care.




As a patient in pain for 20 years I saw over 20 in-network providers, none of which got me well long term. Doctors always seemed rushed, I felt like another number, rehab was basic and cookie cutter, chiropractic was a swinging door, and I never improved. It's a frustrating, emotional and physical battle. â€‹â€‹




I went to school, studied hard, looked for solutions, and became specialized in multiple degrees and certifications. After 20 years of misery, I finally fixed my own problems. I then started my career at an in-network office. Even with my unique skill set, I still had limited time with patients and the care I could offer was diminished. They had to come back 3x more often and see multiple providers. Great for the business, but not their time or wallet.




Wanting more for myself and patients, I started The Whole Performance and now have zero limitations. We look at root causes and are truly patient centered.  Patients appreciate the extra care that's provided because they get better faster without long or unnecessary treatment plans. Instead of seeing multiple providers, patients now just schedule one appointment at The Whole Performance. They save time, money, and frustration.



I never got better under insurance providers

i Became a sports doc, but still limited

the solution


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